7 symptoms men should not ignore

7 síntomas que ningún hombre debe ignorar

Men often ignore warning signs from their bodies, thus exposing themselves to serious diseases. Below, we’re discussing 7 symptoms that shouldn’t be ignored.

We’re used to hearing about women’s health, to the extent that it seems more of a feminine thing to take care of yourself. But it’s just as important that men take care of themselves, so we’re dedicating this article to men’s health. Take note of these 7 symptoms that shouldn’t be neglected, as they can indicate a serious health issue for men.


Your feet can hurt for many reasons, but if the pain is centered on the big toe, it may be especially important to note, as this is the main symptom of gout, a condition in which the body stores excessive uric acid in the joints, which causes pain and makes any type of movement difficult. Gout mostly affects men, especially those overweight. Swelling of the big toe can also be a sign of chronic disease, such as hypertension or kidney disease.


For men, regular self-examination of the scrotum is needed to detect any significant change. If you detect a lump, swelling, or any pain, take it seriously; even though it’s usually temporary swelling, it can indicate testicular torsion, which usually requires emergency surgery. In the worst of cases, a lump can be a symptom of testicular cancer.


Unlike women, men don’t tend to examine their chest for strange lumps. However, breast cancer in men is a reality, and although it’s less frequent in men, it can be much more aggressive than it is for women.

On the other hand, if you notice any unexplained growth of your chest (for example, if growth is not due to weight gain), this can mean a hormonal imbalance (of estrogen and testosterone) or a liver problem.


Waking up in the middle of the night needing to go to the bathroom to urinate isn’t a warning sign in itself. However, if this is recurring, it may be time to look for the cause, as it can be a symptom of one of many common prostate problems. It’s best to talk to your doctor to determine the cause, as this symptom can point to anything from simple inflammation to something serious, like cancer.

The American Cancer Society recommends that men talk to their doctors to make an informed decision about whether or not to have early detection tests done for prostate cancer, since for a person with average risk, the recommended age to get tested is around 50. However, for those with higher risk (for example, men with an immediate family member who had prostate cancer at an early age) the age to get tested is closer to 40.


If your urine has an unexplained red hue, it may be that something is wrong with either your urethra, prostate, bladder, or kidneys. Even if there’s no pain, make sure to see your doctor immediately.


This can be due to a cold, an allergy, sinusitis, anemia, vitamin B12 deficiency, natural aging, or a random injury. Regardless, a weakened sense of smell in men can also be a symptom of hypogonadism (lack of hormone segregation). Other more obvious symptoms are changes in mood or loss of sex drive, but it’s important to also be aware of the sense of smell, since it’s so often overlooked.


Although you’re more likely to experience erectile dysfunction as you get older, this can occur at any age for different reasons, such as being overweight, alcoholism, type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, kidney disease, multiple sclerosis, the spinal cord, injury to the penis, problems with the prostate, bladder, or pelvis… It might even be caused by a weak heart, since during sexual arousal, the tissues in the penis fill with blood to achieve and maintain an erection, and the heart is a key player in this process. And if you do have a hard time reaching maximum size, it’s possible there’s a problem in the heart, veins, or arteries (since they carry the blood), so it’s important that you seek medical attention.


The above is a quick list of afflictions men can face. However, there are so many possible causes. That’s why it’s important that you visit your doctor as soon as you detect something different in your body and that you have regular checkups. You’re not being paranoid, and you’re not a hypochondriac; it’s just better to be safe than sorry.

If you’re conscious of your body’s health and you practice healthy habits, you’ll have a better chance of maintaining an excellent quality of life for much longer. Exercise, eat well, get proper rest, don’t stress out, and take Vitamin supplements that help your body stay in top condition, like Redoxon®, whose daily dose of Vitamin C and Zinc strengthens your immune system for better protection against many diseases.

